After the long winter we’ve all endured, it is a joy to turn our thoughts toward Spring at last!

In conceptualizing each episode I hope not only to focus on the season at hand, but offer everyday advice on some of the design/style issues we may face in our homes. Advice you can use at any time in any season. I hope you all enjoy this latest production.

The most inspiring part of filming these videos is hoping they are of value to my viewers.

Please leave your feedback as well as any thoughts or questions you may have and would like to see addressed in future episodes. Thanks so much to all of my J-Listers for watching and sharing these video posts.

It’s amazing to me the power the internet has for all of our lives. I am always inspired and surprised when friendly strangers stop me in a store (and once in another city!) to tell me how ideas from The J List worked in their home.

Please know how much I appreciate your support! Thank you!

Share pictures of your favorite Spring decorations and activities on The J List Facebook page, we’d love to see them!